Category Archives: Australian Championships

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Entries Open & Notice of Race LIVE for the 51st Australian Championships

Entries are officially OPEN and the Notice of Race is LIVE for the 2023-2024 Australian Hobie Cat National Championships. Taking place in Manly, Brisbane out of the widely renowned Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron, the Queensland Hobie Cat Association have been working tirelessly behind scenes, with Yacht Share, Sunstate Watersports, Cat Covers & Gill all jumping…

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Totally Immersed TV Presents: The 50th Hobie Nationals

This has been the 50th Hobie Nationals … and this is Totally Immersed TV! Coming in hot after The Spain Files, Paddy, Pelican & Elisabeth have picked up a few new members for the TITV team. Bryn, Bridgey, Jimmy and the rest of the Vincentia Sailing Club Grom Squad were on the ground in Jervis…


The 50th Hobie Nationals Match Report

Well, was that worth the wait or what?! It’s all said and done. The racing sails have been dropped, rolled up and put back into storage after what has been one of the most spectacular gatherings of the Australian Hobie Family in over 50 years. Across the 10 day extravaganza, the true meaning of “having…