Winter’s well and truly here, but has that ever stopped us before?
The first half of the 2023 Australian Hobie Cat Championship Tour is all but packed away for the winter, it’s time to start looking forward to what’s coming up on the Hobie Family’s calendar.
The Hobie 14 class is only getting stronger around the country, and during the ‘off-season’, it’s about time we begin training, developing and fine tuning our skills as helms on the original off-the-beach catamaran.
Check out some of the stories so far from the Age of the Resurgence:
- The Hobie 14 Hybrid
- Totally Immersed TV Season 1 Episode 4: Age of the Resurgence
- Hobie 14’s Return to the Wild West After 30 Years
- The Australian Hobie 14 Class: Cowboy Racing
Vincentia Sailing Club’s Paddy & Mick Butler, along with Palm Beach Sailing Club’s Rod Waterhouse, have locked in their spots to compete in the Hobie 14 World Championships in Cesenatico, Italy in July. In support of our Aussie Representatives, the VSC & NSWHCA will be hosting a Hobie 14 Training & Development Weekend on the faithful waters of Jervis Bay.
Over the weekend of the 24/25 June, with the option of sailing Friday afternoon, the Vincentia Sailing Club & the NSW Hobie Cat Association will host a Hobie 14 Worlds Training Weekend.

Open to ALL Hobie Cats (Dragoon, 16 & 18) & ALL 14ft Catamarans around Australia, this weekend will be all about developing your racing in a competitive fleet, along with the tuning your cats to suit a variety of wind conditions.
For any enquires, please call VSC Commodore MB on 0402 908 785 or Paddy on 0448 586 532 for any enquires on boats and accommodation. If you do not have a Hobie 14 or are looking to purchase a boat, the VSC will be coordinate their fleet to suit your individuals needs.
Saturday Night will be social function and ‘send-off’ party for the boys on their ‘Italian Job’.
Sailing Fees will be as per the VSC Constitution.
- Race fee, per day, two crew boat $25.0
- Race fee, per day, two crew boat, one student $20.00
- Race fee, per day, one crew boat $15.00
- Race fee, per day, one student crew $10.00
Please do not hesitate to contact the Butler Boys if you have any further questions!