Dear members,
As announced on January 26, 2024, along with the result of the Hobie 18 Rule Change questionnaire, two of the six change proposals were deferred for further consideration and clarification. It involves the proposed changes to Hobie 18 class rules 3.2 and 5.7.
Revised change proposals to these two rules have been prepared and are now ready for a new round of commenting and voting.
The original proposals were endorsed by the Hobie Cat Association of North America (HCANA) and the Australian National Hobie Class Association (ANHCA). The HCANA and ANHCA have been consulted in preparing the revised change proposals as outlined below.
The proposed changes are in red italics.
NEW HC 18 Rule 3.2
Mast spreader arms may have two additional holes added to each spreader arm to allow additional adjustment of the spreader arms.
Mast spreader arms may have additional holes added to each spreader arm to allow additional adjustment up to a maximum of 60 mm of spreader rake.
The current spreader arms and spreader attachment band vary in dimensions and manufacturing tolerance which do not allow teams to achieve the same spreader rake between all boats. This can disadvantage some teams. Some current mast set ups only allow for negative or zero spreader rake whereas other mast set ups can achieve up to 40mm of spreader rake. Teams should be allowed to adjust their spreader rake depending on combined crew weights. This will lead to closer racing and a more controllable and safer boat for the lighter crews, in particular the youth and all female teams.
HC 18 Rule 5.7
Additional jib cleats may be installed to the owner’s and skipper’s specifications provided their mounting does not structurally weaken the boat or interfere with other HOBIE CAT CO. components.
Additional Jib cleats may be installed to the owner’s and skipper’s specifications provided their mounting does not structurally weaken the boat or interfere with other HOBIE CAT CO. components.
The jib cleat block on each side of the boat may be moved from its original position. If moved, the jib cleat block shall only be mounted to a fixed position to the owner’s and skipper’s specification provided wires/wire systems are not used and the mounting does not structurally weaken the boat or interfere with other HOBIE CAT CO. components. A boat shall have no more than two jib cleat blocks.
To allow the jib cleat block to be mounted on the trampoline.

This is your class and your opportunity to express your opinion.
Deadline: 23:59 Australian Daylight Saving Time February 19, 2024.
We are aiming at having the two revised change proposals along with the remaining four original proposals processed, so they can go into effect as of April 1st, 2024. This is under the provision of IHCA Council acceptance of course.
Erik Olsen
IHCA Rules Committee Chair