relive the glory days

Over the years, the Australian Hobie Family have travelled far and wide across our vast continent, searching for the best breeze our southern paradise has to offer. Here is the list of the past locations the Australian Hobie Cat National Championships have been held.

2024 - 2025McCraeVICView Webpage
2023 - 2024ManlyQLDView Webpage
2022 - 2023 50th Hobie Cat NationalsJervis BayNSWView Webpage
2019 - 2020Jervoise BayWAView Webpage
2018 - 2019North HavenSAView Webpage
2017 - 2018SomersVICView Webpage
2016 - 2017Hervey BayQLDView Webpage
2015 - 2016Port Stephens

Jervis Bay

View Webpage

Hobie 14 Results
2014 - 2015BunburyWAView Webpage
2013 - 2014AdelaideSAView Webpage
2012 - 2013Port MelbourneVICView Webpage
2011 - 2012MooloolabaQLDView Webpage
2010 - 2011Jervis BayNSWView Webpage
2009 - 2010MandurahWAView Webpage
1973 - 2010Here, There, EverywhereNSW, VIC, WA, QLD, SAView Webpage