Category Archives: Hobie Hotshots

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51st Hobie Cat Nationals, Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron | The Match Report

The racing sails have been dropped, washed down, rolled up and put back into storage after what could be considered one of the toughest Australian Championships the Hobie Family has seen for a long time. Across the 10 day extravaganza, the true meaning of “having a bloody good time” couldn’t have been more evident; and…


Totally Immersed TV Presents: 51st Hobie Cat Nationals | RQYS

This has been the 51st Hobie Nationals … and this is Totally Immersed TV! Go ahead, sit back with a beverage and enjoy the Summer’s most anticipated limited series, TITV Presents: The 51st Hobie Nationals | RQYS. Directed by: Paddy Butler Produced by: Paddy Butler Co-Producers: Elisabeth Smith & Bridget Raftery. Associate Producers: Andrew Warneke…

Steve Fields


Hobie Cat Company and Starting Line Sailing have jointly decided to conclude their licensing agreement, marking a momentous occasion as Hobie Cat Sailing rejoins Hobie. Hobie expresses its sincere appreciation to the SLS family of companies for their recent stewardship of Hobie Sailboats. Leading the way in this thrilling resurgence is Steve Fields, the former…

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Notice of Annual General Meeting

Dear Hobie Sailors, This letter is coming to you from the ANHCA on behalf of your state Hobie class association. Please note all correspondence regarding meeting minutes, proxy forms and items of general business need to go back to your state association/delegate to be presented at the AGM. Please be advised that the 2023/24 ANHCA…


El Presidente’s Report ’23

Hello Australian Hobie sailors! With the 2023/24 season underway, it’s a good time to recap on what’s been happening over the last 12 months here in Australia. The association has been busy on a number of fronts in the off season and really looking forward to the Nationals in Brisbane. We’ve had a number of…

Cam N Suz

Cam & Suzzi Nominated for Australian Sailing’s Team of the Year

Representing Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club and Nedlands Yacht Club, Cam Owen and Susan Ghent continue to support their sport and their Hobie 16 class through travel to regional clubs and special events, interstate and overseas. The Western Australian team traveled to Spain to compete in the 2022 Hobie 16 World Championships, where they went head-to-head with 225…

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Results of the Hobie Cat 14 Minimum Crew Weight Survey

Dear class members, The Hobie Cat 14 minimum crew weight survey launched in September came to an end on October 19, 2023. We now have the result based on 198 valid responses. A great turnout which has exceeded our expectations and contributes significantly to producing the best possible image on how the hot Hobie Cat…

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Entries Open & Notice of Race LIVE for the 51st Australian Championships

Entries are officially OPEN and the Notice of Race is LIVE for the 2023-2024 Australian Hobie Cat National Championships. Taking place in Manly, Brisbane out of the widely renowned Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron, the Queensland Hobie Cat Association have been working tirelessly behind scenes, with Yacht Share, Sunstate Watersports, Cat Covers & Gill all jumping…

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SURVEY: Shall a minimum crew weight be reinstated for the Hobie Cat 14?

The question of whether the Hobie 14 shall have a minimum crew weight reinstated, or maintain no minimum crew weight, has been discussed extensively with the revival of the class around the world. Up till sometime in the 90s, the Hobie Cat 14 had a minimum crew weight of 150 lbs. (68.1 kg). This was…