Tag Archives: hobie16

Hobie Bad News Regatta

2021 Bad News Regatta

The Bad News Regatta has been one of the largest winter regattas of Hobie sailing in Australia. Originally started back in the 1960’s prior to Hobies even being invented. The ‘Top Cat of the Alley’ and the ‘Currumbin Marathon’ was sailed the 2nd week end in June over what was then the Queens Birthday long…

Hobie volunteers needed

Volunteers required for the Hobie National Championships

REPORT: The Australian Hobie Cat Nationals taking place in Jervis Bay is fast approaching, and big things are falling into place! But the Vincentia Sailing Club (VSC) can’t do it alone.. The VSC is looking for some energetic volunteers from the Hobie Family to help out in the organisation and running of the 50th Australian…

2021 WA Hobie 16 State Championships

Crossview Enterprises 2021 WA Hobie 16 State Championships

What a treat for the Hobie 16 teams who made the journey to Esperance for the Crossview Enterprises 2021 WA Hobie Cat State Championships. Located in the south east of the state of Western Australia Esperance is a unique holiday destination blessed with some of the most pristine waters, white sands and best beaches in…

QLD Hobie state titles 2021 Lake Cootharaba

2021 Queensland Hobie State Titles, Lake Cootharaba

The 2021 Queensland Hobie State Titles, Lake Cootharaba, took place on the golden waters of Lake Cootharaba on the Sunshine Coast, saw a gusty, 20knot + SE blowing consistently across the lake. With a low developing off the coast further North is was wet and wild conditions. With many choc-tops cemented on the head of…

2021-22 Australian Hobie Championships logo

2021 / 2022 Australian Hobie Cat National Championships

The  2021 / 2022 Australian Hobie Cat National Championships will be hosted by Vincentia Sailing Club, Jervis Bay . The Hobie 16 Open event will take place first, with the mixed fleet in the second series. We know there are quite a few 16 teams that take their H16 Open nationals very seriously. These guys…